Blogger or content
The fastest and easiest approval process. Sign up and get started today!
No sales reps, physical inventory, or marketing expertise required. Simply share UbiBot affiliate link/coupon on your social media, blogpost, Youtube video description, newsletter, etc.
Unlock your earning potential and leverage your network to earn commissions with every successful referral!
We provide advanced IoT products and cloud-based services for wireless environment monitoring. Our integrated system makes our products ideal for domestic, agricultural, horticultural and industrial use.
Affiliate commission starts from 5% of the value of the sale and rises as you sell more. There's no limit to your earning potential. The better you perform, the higher your commission will be.
Take advantage of our generous 90-day cookie life to maximize your earnings immediately.
We manufacture the products, arrange the shipment, and provide technical & after-sales customer service. You don't need to deal with any of these things.
As a UbiBot affiliate, you'll have access to a variety of resources to help boost conversions, including images, videos, and links.
Dive deep into comprehensive order and product details. Utilize data insights to fine-tune your promotional strategies for maximum effectiveness.
Join us and experience the next level of partnership excellence! Whether you're just starting out or already achieving remarkable results, our program is designed to support your growth every step of the way. As you sell more, unlock higher commissions and maximize your success with UbiBot affiliate.
Blogger or content
E-commerce store
Social media
Small business
Digital marketer or
I love the UbiBot affiliate program! Not only did it provide me with access to cutting-edge IoT technology, but the support and resources from the UbiBot team have been invaluable in helping me increase revenue.
Being a part of the UbiBot affiliate program has allowed me to offer our customers innovative solutions that enhance their operations. The flexibility of the program and the quality of UbiBot's products have made it easy for us to meet the diverse needs of our clients while earning lucrative commissions.